Seminar Handouts: 2013
Seminar handouts are for study use by WAHG members and are not to be reproduced. Lecturers’ notes are protected by copyright.
Seeing Signs and Deciphering Symbols Illustrated seminar by Dr Antonia Whitley
William Morris and his Legacy Illustrated seminar by Mary Greensted
Art Nouveau 1900 Illustrated seminar by Dr Anne Anderson
Art as Politics in Late Medieval and Renaissance Sienna Illustrated seminar by Dr Antonia Whitley
David, Ingres and Goya: Art in the Service of Politics Illustrated seminar by Beth Taylor
Dada and Surrealism: Radical Avant Garde Art Illustrated seminar by Beth Taylor
Artists of Worldwide Revolution: The Utopian Globalists from Tatlin to Christo Illustrated seminar by Prof. Jonathan Harris
Art in the Open Air: Artists’ Gardens and Sculpture Parks Illustrated seminar by Melanie Paice
Continuity and Tradition in Western Sculpture Illustrated seminar by Mary Acton
Dressed to Kill the Dragon: Images of St George Illustrated seminar by Dr Antonia Whitley
An Introduction to Portraiture Illustrated seminar by Beth Taylor
The 19th Century Photographic Portraiture Illustrated seminar by Beth Taylor
The Grand Tour Portrait Illustrated seminar by Tom Duncan