Seminar Handouts: 2020
Seminar handouts are for study use by WAHG members and are not to be reproduced. Lecturers’ notes are protected by copyright.
The Bauhaus 1919-2019: One Hundred Years of Modern Design Illustrated Seminar by Dr Anne Anderson
The Art of 15th and 16th Century Venice Study day led by Hendrika Foster
The Elizabethan Miniaturists Illustrated Seminar by Dr Gillian White
Palladio and the Palladian Country House Illustrated Seminar by Barbara Peacock Postponed due to COVID 19
German Expressionism Illustrated Seminar by Richard Thomas Postponed due to COVID 19
The Macclesfield Psalter and the East Anglian Medieval Manuscripts Illustrated Seminar by Dr Stella Panayotova Postponed due to COVID 19
Glasgow Boys Illustrated Seminar by Rosalind Whyte Postponed due to COVID 19
The YBAs (Young British Artists) Illustrated Seminar by Barry Venning Postponed due to COVID 19
Great Russian Art Collections: Tretyakov, Shchukin and Morozov Zoom Seminar by Jane Angelini
Pious and Political Impulses: The Medici and Church Art Zoom Seminar by Dr Antonia Whitley (Medici Family Tree)
Peggy and Solomon R Guggenheim: Their Collections and Museums Zoom Seminar by Barry Venning
Palladio and the English Palladian Country House Zoom Seminar by Barbara Peacock Postponed due to technical issues